Welcome to the official website of

China Chamber Mexico

Countdown to General Shareholders Meeting


Benefits of Belonging to the Mexico China Chamber of Commerce and Technology


It is a platform for networking with entrepreneurs, investors and other professionals within the Chinese and Mexican business community.

Market Information and Knowledge

Provides access to up-to-date market information, including trends, policies and regulations.

Training and Development Opportunities

The Mexico China Chamber of Commerce and Technology organizes seminars, workshops and training programs that can help members improve their skills and knowledge.

Representation and Support

The Mexico China Chamber of Commerce and Technology acts as a collective voice for its members, representing their interests before governments and other organizations.

Available Memberships

  • Diamond Membership

    Diamond membership offers the following benefits:

    Participation in networking meetings

    Option to be part of the board of directors of the Chamber

    Advertising your company at all events organized by the Chamber in which you decide to participate

    Priority access to limited capacity events

    Participation in Vice-Presidency of thematic commission with the option to lead one of its branch

    Expand its prestige as a socially responsible company

    Presence on the Chamber's website and social networks

    Access to commercial and statistical information by sectors and/or products

    Participation as a speaker and/or sponsor at Chamber events

    Discounts on all services in the Chamber's catalogue

    Advocacy and representation on issues and policies that will promote and protect your business

    Alerts on business opportunities

    Annual Fee

    $60,000 MXN (tax free)

    *The annual fee is valid for twelve months from the date indicated on the payment receipt.

  • Strategic Partner Membership

    Strategic Partner membership offers the following benefits:

    Participation in networking meetings

    Option to be part of the board of directors of the Chamber

    Participation in Vice-Presidency of thematic commission with the option to lead one of its branch

    Expand its prestige as a socially responsible company

    Presence on the Chamber's website and social networks

    Access to commercial and statistical information by sectors and/or products

    Participation as a speaker and/or sponsor at Chamber events

    Discounts on all services in the Chamber's catalogue

    Advocacy and representation on issues and policies that will promote and protect your business

    Access to political leaders and key decision makers in the business sector

    Alerts on business opportunities

    Annual Fee

    $39,900 MXN (tax free)

    *The annual fee is valid for twelve months from the date indicated on the payment receipt.

  • Active Member Membership

    Active Membership offers the following benefits:

    Participation in networking meetings

    Participation in Vice-Presidency of thematic commission with the option to lead one of its branch

    Expand its prestige as a socially responsible company

    Presence on the Chamber's website and social networks

    Access to commercial and statistical information by sectors and/or products

    Participation as a speaker and/or sponsor at Chamber events

    Discounts on all services in the Chamber's catalogue

    Advocacy and representation on issues and policies that will promote and protect your business

    Alerts on business opportunities

    Annual Fee

    $20,600 MXN (tax free)

    *The annual fee is valid for twelve months from the date indicated on the payment receipt.

Diamond Membership
Strategic Partner Membership
Active Member Membership

Upcoming Events



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Neuchatel Corporate
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Chinese New Year Celebration, Year of the Wooden Dragon ▶️

Our Network

Visit our offices

Av. Rio San Joaquin 498-floor 2, suite 5, Amp Granada, Miguel Hidalgo, 11529 Mexico City, CDMX


Mon-Fri, 9:00am - 6:00pm,
Saturday, Closed,
Sunday, Closed

Phone: +52 55 55112011